Theme Style
Comprehensive Guide to theme Your Aasaan Website Live
Customize the structural layout of your online store for optimal presentation and user experience.
Body Layout
Choose the overall layout that best suits your store’s design requirements.
- Default: Utilizes the standard layout width set by the theme.
- Full Width: Expands the layout to the full width of the screen for a more modern look.
- Custom Width: Allows precise control over the layout’s width.
Custom Width Configuration
- Set a specific width to fine-tune how much screen real estate your content occupies, with options ranging from
Product Page Layout
Select the layout that best displays your products.
- Default: A balanced layout that follows the theme’s original design.
- Left Thumbnail: Places product thumbnails to the left of the main product image.
- Right Thumbnail: Aligns product thumbnails to the right, providing an alternative visual dynamic.
Shop Page Layout
Determine the structure of your shop page to enhance product browsing.
- Default: Adheres to the theme’s default styling for product listings.
- Full-Width: Offers a full-screen width layout, removing side margins for a more immersive product display.
- Right Sidebar: Incorporates a sidebar on the right side for additional widgets or navigation links.
These layout settings offer a foundation for creating a visually appealing and functional store that aligns with your brand identity and customer shopping habits.
Shop Page Settings
- Custom Width: Set a specific width for your shop page to control the visual layout.
- Product Image Settings:
- Image Type: Select the orientation of the product images (e.g., Portrait).
- Image Height(%): Define the image height as a percentage relative to its width.
- Image Adapt: Choose how images adapt to the container, such as ‘Full Width & Height (With Crop)’.
- Border Radius (px): Customize the corner radius for the images to create rounded corners.
- Show Add to Cart Button on Hover: Reveal the ‘Add to Cart’ button when a customer hovers over a product image.
- Change Image on Hover: Set the product card image to change when hovered over.
- Enable Product Quick View: Allow customers to quickly view product details.
Product Page Settings
- Show Product Price: Toggle the display of the product price.
- Show Product Variant: Toggle to show different product variants.
- Enable Product Wishlist: Allow customers to add products to a wishlist.
- Show Product Review: Display customer reviews on product pages.
- Disable Default Shipping Fields: Hide default shipping fields if necessary.
- Show Product Badges: Choose to show badges like ‘new’, ‘sale’, or ‘bundle’ on product cards.
- Product Badges Positions: Set the position of the product badges.
- Enable Product Share: Allow customers to share products on social media.
- Enable Buy Now Button: Include a ‘Buy Now’ button on product pages.
- Enable Ask an Expert Option: Offer an option to consult an expert, with customizable contact methods.
- Enable Check Product Availability: Let customers check the availability of products for their location.
- Enable Trusted Badges: Display badges to promote trust, like ‘Secure Payment’ badges.
- Enable Size Chart: Provide a size chart for products.
- Enable Product UpSell: Suggest additional products to customers.
- Enable Product Bundles: Offer product bundles for purchase.
- Enable Terms and Condition: Include terms and conditions for product purchases.
Remember to preview your settings to ensure they meet your store’s needs before publishing.
Configure the typography of your website by setting up various font types and properties to match your brand’s style.
Available Font Types
- Font Type 1: Select from Google Fonts, e.g., Old Standard TT.
- Font Type 2: Select from Google Fonts, e.g., Cormorant Garamond.
- Font Type 3: Select from Google Fonts, e.g., Josefin Sans.
Body Fonts
Customize the body text appearance on your site.
- Font Type: Choose a predefined font type, e.g., Font Type 1.
- Font Size: Set the size of the font, e.g., 16px.
- Line Height: Define the space above and below lines of text.
- Letter Spacing: Adjust the spacing between characters.
Heading Fonts
Define the style for all headings within your site.
- Font Type: Choose a predefined font type, e.g., Font Type 2.
- Font Size: Set the size of the font for headings, e.g., 24px.
- Line Height: Adjust the line height for heading readability.
- Letter Spacing: Control the spacing between characters in headings.
Menu Fonts
Set the style for the fonts used in your site’s menu.
- Font Type: Select a predefined font type, e.g., Font Type 1.
- Font Size: Choose the size of the menu font, e.g., 17px.
- Line Height: Adjust the line height for clear menu navigation.
- Letter Spacing: Fine-tune the spacing between menu characters.
Product Title Fonts
Style the fonts used for product titles on your site.
- Font Type: Assign a predefined font type, e.g., Font Type 2.
- Font Size: Set the product title font size, e.g., 18px.
- Line Height: Adjust the line height for product titles.
- Letter Spacing: Modify the spacing between characters in product titles.
These font settings will apply globally across your website, affecting the body, headings, menu, and product titles to provide a consistent reading experience.
Customize the color schemes and global settings of your store theme for a consistent and branded customer experience.
Header Color
Define the color palette for your site’s header.
- Header Background Color: Choose a color for the background of the header.
- Header Text Color: Select a color for the text in the header.
- Header Icon Color: Set a color for the icons in the header.
- Header Bottom Background Color: Determine the color for the bottom area of the header.
- Header Bottom Text Color: Select a color for the text in the bottom area of the header.
- Header Bottom Icon Color: Choose a color for the icons in the bottom section of the header.
- Mega Menu Background Color: Set the background color for mega menus.
- Mega Menu Text Color: Choose a color for the text in mega menus.
- Mega Menu Icon Color: Determine the color for icons within mega menus.
Body Color
Customize the main color scheme for the body of your site.
- Background Color: Set the primary background color.
- Background Gradient: Choose a gradient background if desired.
- Default Text Color: Select a default color for body text.
- Default Heading Color: Determine the color for heading text.
- Link Color: Choose a color for hyperlinks.
- Link Hover/Active Color: Set colors for hyperlinks on hover or when active.
- Breadcrumb Color: Choose colors for breadcrumb navigation and for hover and active states.
- Error Color: Select colors for error messages and their background.
Button Color
Establish the color scheme for buttons on your site.
- Text Color: Set the color for text on buttons.
- Border Color: Choose a color for button borders.
- Background Color: Select a color for button backgrounds.
- Background Gradient: Determine a gradient for buttons if desired.
- Hover/Active Color: Set colors for buttons on hover or when active, including border and background colors.
Icon/Arrow Color
Define the color palette for icons and arrows.
- Color: Choose a default color for icons and arrows.
- Background Color: Select a background color for icon and arrow containers.
- Hover/Active Color: Determine the colors for icons and arrows when hovered over or active.
Product Color
Customize the color scheme for product-related elements.
- Product Card: Set colors for product titles, price, sale price, and review indicators, including hover states.
- Product Badge: Choose colors for text and background of new, sale, and sold-out badges.
Coupon Color
Select the color scheme for coupon elements.
- Background Color: Choose the background color for coupon areas.
- Text Color: Select the text color for coupons.
- Icon Color: Set the color for coupon-related icons.
Footer Color
Define the color scheme for your site’s footer.
- Footer Background Color: Choose a background color for the footer.
- Footer Bottom Background Color: Select a color for the bottom area of the footer.
- Footer Heading Color: Determine the color for headings within the footer.
- Footer Link & Text Color: Set colors for links and text in the footer.
- Footer Link Hover/Active Color: Choose colors for footer links on hover or when active.
- Footer Icon Color: Set the color for icons in the footer.
- Footer Icon Background Color: Choose a background color for icon containers in the footer.
- Footer Icon Hover/Active Color: Determine the colors for icons in the footer when hovered over or active.
Global Settings
Manage global settings that affect the entire site.
- Button Style: Select a style for buttons across your site.
- Button Border Radius (px): Determine the border radius for buttons to control corner roundness.
These settings help you to maintain a cohesive look throughout your online store, ensuring that all components align with your brand’s aesthetic.